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Water-Saving Campus

    To improve water conservation on campus to achieve sustainability, CYCU first adopts the concept of water conservation and development of sources and then combines adequate maintenance and management mechanisms. CYCU researches and prepares software/hardware measures in response to water conservation and plans the rainwater retention and supply system. Water conservation refers to a combination of behavior management and exercise of technology. Education, promotion, and maintenance management may help achieve the goal of water conservation and practice campus sustainability. Campus water conservation consists of four major targets, i.e., water management, water reduction, rainwater retention and utilization, and water recycling.


Concept Map of Water and Green Co-construction

Plan Water Storage Spaces and Equipment

    According to the software/hardware measures in response to water conservation, CYCU plans and designs the rainwater retention and supply system. CYCU plans to install water-conservation equipment in existing buildings and new construction projects by means of the water management measures, to achieve the purpose of water consumption reduction. The water-conservation equipment on campus includes toilet devices, urinals, throttle valves, air-conditioning water equipment, and faucets, etc.

Table7-2. Statistics on CYCU’s Water Conservation Performance


Establish a Water Circulation and Recovery System

    To deal with the climate changes and shortage of water sources, it is necessary to improve the water resources environment from the three aspects of development of sources, conservation, and management. Among other things, the “development of sources” refers to the development of diversified water resources, including rainwater and domestic sewage or industrial wastewater that has been recycled and processed to satisfy water quality standards for various purposes.


Campus Regional Water Resources System

    CYCU built a rainwater retention and supply system on campus. By means of a series of ecological grass ditches and planting in the permeable low-lying areas, runoff is introduced into this area and penetrates into the soil and retained in the osmosis tank.

Rainwater recycling in Quanren Village.png
Rainwater recycling in Quanren Village 2.png

Holistic Complex Rainwater Recovery System

Weiche Building Rainwater Recycling 2.png
Weiche Building Rainwater Recycling.png

Dickson Lee Hall Rainwater Recovery System

Table7-3. CYCU Rainwater Recovery Site and Capacity 


   The swimming pool water enters the circulation system for circulation, filtration, and recycling, and then is used to flush toilets after being led to dormitories. The annual water recovery volume is 1,974 tons.

Table7-4. CYCU Swimming Pool Overflow Recovery System


Wastewater Treatment

    In response to the development and construction of the new campus on Xinzhong North Road, CYCU has planned and designed a sewage treatment plant of the new campus to treat the domestic sewage generated by the buildings on that campus and has planned the recycling of the emitted water. In recent years, it has been used to irrigate the landscaping on campus to lower the demand for tap water or underground water on campus and create a model eco-system on campus.

    Under the forward-looking sewage treatment system construction project, the CYCU Science Building’s landscape project plants trees and shrubs to enhance the water retention effect, to improve the water permeability of the campus base. Improve the sewage treatment facilities in buildings and emit the processed water in accordance with the effluent standards required by the Environmental Protection Administration.


Wastewater Treatment Flow Chart

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