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University of Social Responsibility

University Social Responsibility Program

​University Social Responsibility Program

    CYCU upholds the “holistic education” philosophy. Article 1 of the philosophy, which states “the entire creation through the wise and prudent utilization of professional knowledge of the sciences and the humanities”, is considered as the best performance of the “USR”. The 2020-2022 mid-term and long-term university affairs development plans are focused on “performance of holistic care and fulfillment of social responsibility”, and integration of teaching through USR to achieve knowledge-action integration. Deepen social responsibility for it to connect with the university affairs system, promote international cooperation, and act in line with the SDGs of the United Nations to exert influence as a university. It appears to be unique among colleges/universities throughout the nation engaged in promoting social responsibility that CYCU practices its educational philosophy and integrates it into the university affairs development plan through USR.

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